THE  RHASS  A SHORT HISTORY  1784-1984    

SN 0 85185 165X & 1463



The Society runs the Royal Highland Show, manages the exhibition centre at Ingliston on the west side of Edinburgh, and is prominent in agricultural education .    I was Chief Executive of the Society when its 200th anniversary was celebrated in 1984.   I researched and wrote this short history at the behest of the 52 members of the Board of Directors to whom I was responsible.   The 20,000-word book, illustrated in colour, takes the reader through the development of the Society from the first association dedicated to the advancement of Scottish agriculture in 1723, through the growth of the annual show and other functions, to its acquisition of the permanent site at Ingliston. 


Copies are available at £9.00 plus p&p from the Secretary, RHASS, Ingliston, Edinburgh EH28  8NF.

